Bow Building - Internal CFD Analysis


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IES Consultants were commissioned to perform internal CFD analysis to compare the conditions in a typical corner office of the Building under a series of operating conditions.

Key Facts

  • Famous landmark in Calgary, Canada
  • CFD Simulations carried out for 2 flow scenarios and 2 different types of blinds
  • CFD Analysis performed on existing IESVE model

The Bow building is a very famous landmark in Calgary, Canada. IES Consultants were commissioned to perform internal CFD analysis to compare the conditions in a typical corner office of the Building under a series of operating conditions. Steady state CFD simulations were performed to assess conditions and CFD simulations were carried out for a combination of 2 flow scenarios and 2 different types of blinds.

The flow scenarios compared the actual flow rates observed in the meeting room with the design flowrates whereas the existing internal blinds were compared to new proposed blinds which had a lower absorptivity and higher reflectivity and transmissivity.

IES Consulting took the existing VE model which the client had created and carried out CFD analysis on this model. This allowed the consultants to look at the model in much more detail for the client, for example the consultants added furniture and the details of the airflow diffusers and incorporated those into the model to look at thermal comfort.

The blinds were implemented into the VE model and ApacheSim results were used to derive the surface temperature. It was generally observed that the comfort parameters like PMV, PPD, mean radiant temperature and operative temperatures generally returned better values for the scenarios using the proposed blinds as compared to the corresponding flow scenario using existing blinds.

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