IES Consulting performed detailed energy modeling and analysis of this 12 storey office building and connected 8 level parking garage to ensure it met its sustainability goals.
IES Consulting performed detailed energy modeling and analysis of this 12 storey office building and connected 8 level parking garage to ensure it met its sustainability goals. Goals included: to achieve LEED Platinum under the Core Shell 2009 rating system and to achieve 25% or more below the ASHRAE 90.1 2007 baseline.
In order to ensure meeting all of the goals, the project pursued a highly integrative design approach from the onset. Conceptual energy analysis to optimize the building massing, orientation and envelope helped set the stage for lowered building loads and high performing HVAC systems. Several iterations of the energy model were conducted through the entire design process to help inform design decisions at the architectural as well as building systems scale.
The project achieved LEED Platinum certification and is tracking currently at 31.74% better than ASHRAE 90. 1 2007 and a EUI of 31.4.