Museum of Bavarian History - Whole Building Performance Modelling


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Herz & Lang GmbH provided Passive House consulting and performed dynamic simulation analysis in IESVE for the new Museum of Bavarian History in Regensburg.

Key Facts

  • Building Standard Certified Passive House
  • Heating demand: 5 kWh/(m²a) (Passivhaus criterion: ≤ 15 kWh/(m²a)
  • Cooling demand: 14 kWh/(m²a) (Passivhaus criterion: ≤ 15 kWh/(m²a)

3D renderings courtesy of Wörner Traxler Richter Planungsgesellschaft mbH

Herz & Lang provided their services to ensure that the building complied with the strict criteria set by the Passive House Institute of Darmstadt. Extremely high indoor climate requirements* were also stipulated by the client to ensure optimal conservation conditions for exhibits and best comfort for visitors.

The Passive House standard is particularly relevant for non-residential buildings with high occupancy, improving the comfort and ensuring that the building is as independent as possible from outdoor weather conditions. This means the HVAC-system and its regulation will mostly deal with occupancy parameters without having to cope with additional loads from outside.

The achievement of the Passive House standard was investigated and optimised with a multizone PHPP-calculation and, for more accurate modelling, the solar gains and shading situations of all glazed areas were determined with a shading analysis in IES-VE. However, the main reason for carrying out dynamic simulation of the whole building was to achieve the required indoor climate without oversizing the HVAC system. With 300,000 visitors anticipated per year, unavoidable solar gains and the high waste heat of electrical devices and lighting, this task required careful investigation which could only be achieved by accurate dynamic simulation.

The whole building envelope was modelled and an additional horizontal and vertical division was defined in the main zones to allow for dynamic identification of temperature disparities within the room. The particularity of this model was in the very accurate modelling of the HVAC system which took into account a wide range of parameters to ensure the optimal response from the building in every situation. Despite an extremely stable air temperature and relative humidity over the year, there were still exceedances of the required relative humidity on a few days. However, the accurate division of the building and modelling of the HVAC-system also allowed for quick identification of the causes and investigation of the most cost effective solution.

The 3D model was utilised for further investigations, including a solar analysis of the entrance hall to optimise occupant comfort and comply with the German workplaces ordinance.

*Air temperature of 19°C +/-1K in winter and 24°C +/-1K in summer; relative humidity over the whole year of 50% +/-5% between 0m and 3m height; and extremely smooth variations (maximum variation speed: 1 K/h).

Click here to read the full paper.

“Despite a project team with no passive house background and mostly negative preconceptions about dynamic building simulation solutions on the market, the combination between the Passive House calculation and the accurate dynamic simulation offered by IES VE enthused team members and turned out to be an extremely cost effective way of optimising the building.”

Raphaël Vibert, Project Manager, Herz & Lang GmbH


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