Carbon Climate Certified - BREEAM Certification with IES TaP


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IES TaP Software has made our business more profitable by making the BREEAM assessment process flow more efficiently and quickly than ever.

Key Facts

  • IES TaP enabled the entire design team to access accurate real-time updates
  • IES TaP made it clear exactly which parts of the project each individual was responsible for delivering
  • IES TaP has made Carbon Climate Certified more profitable by making the BREEAM assessment process flow more efficiently and quickly than ever

With public awareness of BREEAM, the world’s leading design and assessment method for sustainable buildings, at an all-time high, Carbon Climate Certified (previously GWP) had to find a way of helping its clients to achieve the highest ratings as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Our clients want to create sustainable buildings with low running costs, however the amount they have to invest in the construction remains the same. Anyone can achieve a high BREEAM rating if they throw enough money at it. Our challenge is to help clients achieve a high sustainability rating within budget.

We decided to introduce IES TaP, a fully secure, online evidence gathering and tracking tool for BREEAM assessors from IES,” says Rankin. “Not only did it enable the entire design team to access accurate real-time updates on the level of compliance from any internet connection, it also made it clear exactly which parts of the project each individual was responsible for delivering.

Carbon Climate Certified Project Services decided to pilot IES TaP on a number of high-profile BREEAM 2008 and 2011 projects, including the new visitors centre and distillery for Bombay Sapphire Gin, the new National Horseracing Museum and a student residential scheme for the University of Cumbria. “With up to 18 design team members, including architects, mechanical, structural and electrical engineers working on our more complex projects, we simply couldn’t afford to lose credits through poor communication or management.” says Rankin.

Automated reporting enables the BREEAM assessors to quickly review progress, “The automatic email notifications and real-time reports generated by IES TaP at the touch of a button mean we can instantly spot and flag up to the entire team where the design isn’t yet compliant,” says Rankin. “Problems can then be quickly corrected during the design process.”

The system’s ability to play out different scenarios proved particularly useful: “Different design elements can sometimes compromise each other,” explains Rankin. “For example, efforts to increase natural daylight can increase heat loss from windows. IES TaP enables me to show clients how small changes to the design can cause the rating to swing by 10-15 credits so they can decide.

“IES TaP has made our business more profitable by making the BREEAM assessment process flow more efficiently and quickly than ever.The system’s transparency means everyone knows who’s due to do what, giving people a real incentive to respect deadlines. Assessments are at less risk of overrun and problems can be identified and addressed early on to achieve the highest ratings.”

Barry Rankin, Director, Carbon Climate Certified

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